Order Flow Trading

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Order Flow Trading Academy Archive

A collection of student articles

How to Trade Order Flow
Applying Metagame Concepts
Option Barrier Trading
Where to Get Order Flow Information
What is Proprietary Trading?
What are Price Fractals?
How to Journal Trading
How to Build a Trading Plan
Value Investing - Basic Concepts and Issues
Introduction to Portfolio Investing
USDJPY Update: Boom Goes the Barrier
CFD Trading: Contracts for Dummies?
What are Bull Markets and What are Bear Markets?
My Take on the Commodity Futures v Forex Debate
After Hours Trading
The Market is Poised for a Major Change: Are You Ready?
Long Term Sentiment Analysis Example: #GBPUSD
Position and Money Management Strategies
Using a Currency Basket to Trade Forex Sentiment
How to Deal With Trading Losses
If the Russia Ukraine Crisis Were a Bar Fight
Orderflow Trading Edge
What is Price Action?
What is Price Action - Part 2
What is Price Action - Part 3
Price Action Patterns
The Art of Order Flow Trading
Who are the Market Participants?
How to Develop Trading Edge
How to Recover Trading Losses
Dealing with Trading Stress
How to Properly Build a Trading Position
How to Harness Volatility
The Trader Mindset
When to Follow and When to Fight
When Trading Become a Sickness
Trading Through Anxiety
Trading: How to Specialize
Endless Trading Edge
The Perfect Trade
Why Traders Fail
Reflexivity vs the Order Flow Mindset
What are Binary Options?
The Future of Retail Forex
Forex Sentiment
Emerging Market Turmoil
Why Do So Many Traders Fail?
Market Dynamics: Folklore and Reality
What is Market Microstructure and Why is it Useful?
What are Central Banks?
About the Order Flow Trading Academy
Order Flow Trading Strategy
Frequently Asked Questions
Auction Market Dynamics
Business Cycle Basics
How to Trade With a Day Job
Spot Forex v Currency Futures
Buy the Rumor Sell the Fact
How to Create a Portfolio in Excel